Considering Cremation?

Top 4 Cremation Concerns of Peabody Area Families

Concern #1—Wondering if they receive the correct remains

A quick Google search on the term “cremation mistake” returns 527,000 shocking results. Page after page of examples in which unintentional mistakes resulted in the family receiving the wrong ashes back from a crematory or funeral home.

We believe you should never have to question whether we return the correct ashes to your family. That is why we created a secure chain of custody process that exceeds industry standards. For example, a coded medallion is created and is placed with the deceased during the cremation process and returned to the family along with the remains.

At each point in the process our chain of custody paper trail is updated to ensure that the correct remains are returned to the family. The remains are then held in a safe place at the funeral home until the designated family member retrieves them.

Concern #2—Having the opportunity to say goodbye

Saying goodbye to your loved one is never easy. Unfortunately, in today’s culture, many people try to skip this step. The sad reality is that failing to say goodbye to someone you love leaves emotional wounds that may never heal.

At Conway, Cahill & Brodeur, the immediate family is given the opportunity for up to a half-hour Private Farewell in one of our visitation rooms whenever possible. If a public visitation is planned, the private time is typically scheduled to precede the shared time.

On a practical level, this an essential step in our security procedures. On an emotional level, this private time helps family members as they mourn the loss.

Concern #3—Deciding what to do with the remains

All too often a family member receives the cremated remains and is left wondering… now what? Do you illegally scatter the ashes at Fenway Park? Do you place them in an urn? 

Sadly, failing to consider this issue creates a burden for future generations as they are faced with the task of deciding what to do with the cremated remains of family members. 

It is important to understand that the remains belong to the family not the funeral home. That is why we make it a priority to discuss the important topic with every family we serve. We will help you understand what is legal in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts should you choose to scatter the remains and what options are available if you choose to bury them.

Concern #4—Taking care of everything else

Our care for your family extends far beyond the actual cremation. After helping thousands of families over the years we have found that help is needed in two key areas; practical and emotional.

To help with your practical needs, our team will provide you guidance on issues such as filing for death benefits, closing the estate, life insurance, and referrals to trained professionals should additional assistance be required.

To support your emotional needs, our website includes a significant amount of information to help you on your grief journey. We also provide referrals to local grief counselors. choose to bury them.

At Peace Cremation

Exclusively at 

Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home

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(978) 531-0472 |

Conway, Cahill-Brodeur Funeral Home & Cremation Care
82 Lynn Street, Peabody, MA 01960

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